Relictum Pro is Blockchain 5.0
Blockchain is a system of recording transactions in many databases that are widespread on many computers, each of which contains identical records. With this decentralized transaction record, it is almost impossible to hack or change unilaterally, without controlling the majority of all databases or computers.
Blockchain is a system of recording transactions in many databases that are widespread on many computers, each of which contains identical records. With this decentralized transaction record, it is almost impossible to hack or change unilaterally, without controlling the majority of all databases or computers.
About Blockchain 1.0 to blockchain 5.0
- The first generation blockchain consists of the first currency such as Bitcoin, based on Proof Of Work (PoW), its various clones and forks. This bitcoin initiative is now called blockchain 1.
- The second generation of blockchain is more heterogeneous, based on the use of tokens such as Ethereum and solutions of its ecosystem. These two categories are characterized by very low energy efficiency and low transaction rates. we call it blockchain 2 now. The goal of the next development stage was to introduce smart contract models, collectively called blockchain 2.0.
- The third generation of blockchain 3 includes those with which they try to answer questions regarding transaction speed and the impossibility of scaling using various mechanisms.
- Blockchain 4.0 - all the best features of 3rd generation blockchain (faster consensus, ultra-fast transaction confirmation) are included. Blockchain 4.0 technology involves developing on its base large-scale industrial applications that can simultaneously manage many processes, processing and storing huge amounts of data and ensuring their logical interconnection and consistency.
- Relictum Pro is Blockchain 5.0: The new network will include all previous blockchain features along with revolutionary innovations.
A blockchain may be a chain of blocks, and Relictum Pro may be a system
of event formalization having dynamic blocks additionally to the chains
of blocks themselves. This greatly expands the probabilities and brings
to a special level of the mathematical apparatus, and allows you to form
not only one dimensional models of chains, but two-dimensional, three
dimensional, and even four dimensional models of event formalization. New blockchain generation 5.0

What is Relictum Pro?
Relictum Pro is a full-fledged blockchain platform capable of operating in both private and public access for government, commercial and private activities.
Relictum Pro is based on the most advanced blockchain generation - Blockchain 5.0, and offers unmatched solutions for real-world problems.
Relictum Pro may be a scalable, hyper modern blockchain, with a view to the far future. This is a platform which will be used both with thin clients and with more powerful processors, basic stations, also like the newest electronic and computer technologies, including quantum computers.
Relictum Pro is the first global blockchain service that provides the opportunity to optimally use modern tools with a great deal of future. Our main mission is to simplify and improve life for all users of the blockchain in any area of life. Thanks to new technical capabilities, we are creating a new, modern and fast Blockchain, drawing on the experience of previous versions, and leaving only the best for you.
Relictum Pro may be a scalable, hyper modern blockchain, with a view to the far future. This is a platform which will be used both with thin clients and with more powerful processors, basic stations, also like the newest electronic and computer technologies, including quantum computers.
Relictum Pro is the first global blockchain service that provides the opportunity to optimally use modern tools with a great deal of future. Our main mission is to simplify and improve life for all users of the blockchain in any area of life. Thanks to new technical capabilities, we are creating a new, modern and fast Blockchain, drawing on the experience of previous versions, and leaving only the best for you.
A blockchain may be a chain of blocks, and Relictum Pro may be a system of event formalization having dynamic blocks additionally to the chains of blocks themselves. This greatly expands the probabilities and brings to a special level of the mathematical apparatus, and allows you to form not only one dimensional models of chains, but two-dimensional, three dimensional, and even four dimensional models of event formalization.
Relictum Pro is an endless distributed registry with a developed system of smart contracts, describing (formalizing) any events in human life, ranging from buying and selling goods and services, recording logistic events, to tracking copyright and interacting with legal entities, including a number of self-executing transactions (smart contracts) in any field of activity.
3 main advantages of Relictum Pro blockchain
We have created a completely new architecture for building blocks in chains and their interactions with n-dimensional smart-contracts; in addition, we implemented a new type of network and created our own consensus algorithm.
Newest block architecture
Unique architecture of chains and blocks, with hash in MasterChain and synchronization and sharing of information by parallel chains n-dimensional smart-contracts.
Own communication technology
Own network of virtual communication channels (HyperNet) OSI transport layer on the basis of the TCP / IP protocol over the Internet.
PoT own consensus
Unique consensus algorithm PoT (Proof of Tsar) with protection from hash collisions, nodes typing and their conditions.
Problems and solutions
The world recognizes blockchain technology is very helpful to humans in the world, the development of the development of blockchain technology and blockchain-based applications is always done, new problems arise. For example, the inability to scale when applying for this technology in large scale projects, the lack of support for different business scenarios and the inability to exchange information and assets between various blockchain. This impedes both the technology itself and the development of the ecosystem as a whole.
At present, the blockchain that really works is Bitcoin, the rest is based on Bitcoin - called a fork. Blockchain is only part of cryptocurrency in this system; only serves cryptocurrency itself. The main problem in the global community of blockchain system developers is the creation of a universal platform that can serve not only a single cryptocurrency, but also records logistical events, copyright tracking, arbitration, storing data in decentralized repositories, as well as self-run transactions (smart contracts) in various field of human activity. At present, the public has not been able to provide a universal platform. This is due to the fact that the inertia of thought does not allow one to transcend stereotypes and opinions that are already established.
To overcome the existing problem, we propose several changes in the blockchain architecture, which affect communication protocols, network infrastructure, inter-network agreements, consensus algorithms, and so on. The Relictum Pro platform does not depend on communication methods, it's just a node, and how the message is conveyed doesn't matter. At present, the _HyperNet communication technology itself is being used, it functions above or above the Internet. The following network methods in the future can be used based on Bluetooth, WiFi, satellite communication, e.g., Channel switching based on Bluetooth and / or WiFi and other promising protocols.
Network is the first typical mechanism, The existing modern blockchain network organization is a peer-to-peer (P2P) network. The Blockchain Relictum platform uses a unique protocol based on the TCP / IP protocol, in which virtual communication channels with each node form the Internet. The advantage of this network is stability and reliable isolation from the general segment of the Internet. On this virtual channel, only Relictum Pro information is transmitted, which increases the speed of data transfer several times. As transportation, we use a new type of network based on the fourth level data of the OSI model network. HyperNet is a virtual channel switching network.
Stablecoin RLC - Relict Coin
What is Relict Coin (RLC)?
Relict Coin is the coin that is not subject to external economic and political influences, it is based on the complex mathematical algorithm that excludes coin inflation.
Such constancy will be expressed in the costing of dynamic-coefficient stable RLC coins related to global electronic, digital currencies and assets that will be reflected on the currency fluctuation map.
Stablecoin can contribute to the increasing use of cryptocurrency and encourage them to be adopted en masse. Because they are comfortable due to the absence of large price volatility (unlike most cryptocurrency) while taking advantage of blockchain technology.
Stablecoin can increase the decentralized level of exchange. Decentralized exchanges are currently less popular, and stablecoin can lead to greater entry of new users.
Stablecoin mitigates losses with a significant decline in the market. At the time of the collapse of the cryptocurrency market after 2018, where many cryptos fell by 30-70%, the fall of Tether was only around 8%.
Stablecoin RLC is the main coin of the Relictum Pro network, the problem of which is built on coin forging. Forging is the creation of a new entry in the blockchain based on the participation of #Relictum Pro network node in the computing process with the ability to receive remuneration in the form of a new unit - stable RLC. Forging of Stablecoin RLC Relictum Pro network is built based on the principles of relic radiation. The project team believes that it is possible to make coins constant relative to the base of all world currencies - stable RLC coins, which will flatten the value of stable tokens compared to each other. Such consistency will be expressed in the calculation of RLC stable costs based on dynamic coefficients in relation to world electronics, digital currencies and assets, which will be reflected on a map of currency fluctuations. RLC is the first stable coin.
Genesis Token (GTN)
Genesis tokens are tokens expressing the intellectual property (IP) rights of the Relictum Pro software code, issued in the amount of 10 000 000 000 GTN. Genesis Token is distributed in the course of the corresponding ICO or IEO rounds among early investors who believed in the mathematically sound concept of Relictum Pro.
Genesis tokens give the right to receive royalties for the use of the intellectual property (IP) of the Relictum Pro software code in the amount of 19% of the forging (emission) size of RLC.
Tokenomic model of GTN tokens genesis
Total emission genesis of GTN tokens: 10 000 000 000 GTN
Accommodation rate is 1 GTN, $: 0.0045 $
For more complete information about Relictum Pro, you can visit the link below:
Author: Kapiten
BTT Profile Link:;u=2046076
ETH: 0x0c2F45269CA177fD93FC82989e9054d9dBdbBec1
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